Friday, February 16, 2007

"There is so much beauty..."

To commemorate my parents' 44th wedding anniversary, I shall review a film called The Bridges of Madison County.

What is it about this film that moves me so much? It could be the gorgeous scenery, the old bridges connecting us all, the masterful direction of Eastwood, the simplicity of middle-aged people falling in love in a time long since past, the exquisite performance of Streep as the Italian war bride, the poetic flourishes of Yeats and Byron, the heart-breaking score, or the story of a mother's secrets unearthed after death. It is all of these things, and more.

Eastwood has created a masterpiece, made more incredible by the fact I loathed the book. I was, like Streep, unimpressed with the novel. "It didn't carry me away," she has been quoted as saying. Nor me. It's very treacly. But the film is another story. It's the most beautiful thing I've seen. It's hard to be objective, but no film has come this close to capturing the essence of who I am: what I wanted out of life, what stirs my heart. Sure, it may be boring for those who do not believe in the transforming power of love, but to hell with that: I'm blown away by the power of this movie every time. Streep should have won Best Actress that year instead of Sarandon.


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