Friday, March 09, 2007

Usherette of the Day

For those who are tired of reading about David Usher, hearing about David Usher and seeing photos of David Usher: too bad! It's my blog: I can do whatever I please. That's the ultimate beauty of freedom. For the record, his poetic scribblings, as previously announced on here, are being incorporated into my blog every day until March 20th, when the brand new Strange Birds album is released. Until then, enjoy the view (God knows I do), and the poetic vision of the man:

My thoughts are floating as reality explodes
I'm whispering to each of you my friends
And every moment seems to freeze frame through the room
All the colours are electrified
But I can't see now I can't see now...


At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're fine with the Usher obsession right up until the point you try to convince us that your obsession, uh, interest in him is purely related to his musical genius.

We sense that your interest in him would be somehat less if, say, he looked like Ronnie Corbett. Or Noel Edmonds. Now.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger MadAboutMillay said...

Dearest limahl,

Thanks ever so much for your feedback. This means a lot coming from someone who has recently headlined a Euro trash show with Samantha Fox.

I am shocked and amazed by the insinuation that my interest in The Usherboy is directly or indirectly related to his Keanu-esque physical attributes. I will endeavour to come up with more examples of his lyrical prowess and exceptional musical talents to disprove this insinuation.

I am certain I would worship him as a rock icon even if he looked like Ronnie Corbett. Now.

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I say anything about David's resemblance to Keanu? I think not. But I feel that the fact you read my feedback that way is very telling.

At 2:09 PM, Blogger MadAboutMillay said...

It has long been established that David is viewed by cynics and other detractors as a Keanu-clone. It is also an established fact that I have made no bones about my interest in all things Usher. But there are a variety of reasons why. His music moves me, his poetry blinds me, his devotion to family lifts me, and his world views on social injustice, hunger and human rights motivate me; the fact he is a teen hearthrob who may or may not look like my favourite actor is merely the icing on the cake. And I still object to the insinuation that his exotic Eurasian looks propel my interest in the man! On what grounds is this accusation based, I ask you? Sheesh!


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