Wednesday, April 04, 2007

When two worlds collide...

Okay, this is way out, but here goes. He's come close before with his exceptionally groovy beats, pathos and joyous choruses, but ultrafab David Usher, believe it or not, has accomplished a miracle with the song "Science." I'll be clobbered by sad wankers the world over for saying this (not to mention being skinned alive by Moist moshers) but it has to be said..."Science" is ABBA. Now, before you all arrange for men in white coats to scoop me up, let me just say that I've not been this moved by a song in a long while. The intro "drags me under" its wave, and as the song progresses, a funky dance beat takes over, making me want to fly (as Bjork said about "Dancing Queen"). The unadulterated joy normally reserved for ABBA songs is alive and well on "Science." The listener is swept up in a sea of delirium which seems never ending. The lyrics, about how one's heart can be broken in two by the scientific actions of another, are also ABBAesque: the way David enunciates the last word in the line "and I know that we will soon be enemies" is classic Andersson/Ulvaeus, and, as with ABBA songs, melancholy lurks beneath elation. Don't believe me? Buy Strange Birds, play it loud and let the ecstasy begin...


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