Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Life to Come and Other Stories

No, this is not a review of E.M. Forster's short story collection, but rather a vision of the future as it shall be: me and my fair love, who oddly enough shares my passion for all things Wordsworthian and daffodil-esque, moving into our own little white cottage deep in the heart of the Lake District. It might even be Dove Cottage, but I wonder how one would accomplish that?

I can see it all. We walk the circumference of Grasmere Lake in the crisp morning, meet friends down the local pub for lunch, stop for afternoon tea at the Wild Daffodil Tea Shop after shopping for fresh farm eggs and cream, and retire for the evening, just the two of us, in front of a glowing fireplace, surrounded by our beautiful library of poetry and incunabula. It's going to happen. I can just feel it.


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