Thursday, December 14, 2006

Channelling Dorothy

No, not that one. The other one. Here is an original composition.

A Hate Poem
(Dedicated to Dorothy Parker)

I hate barking dogs - they hurt my ears
I hate buses - they grind my nerves
I hate morning people - they should be killed
I hate hair - what little I have left
I hate waking up - let me sleep forever
I hate loud people - muzzle them permanently
I hate religion - we're all dying anyway
I hate cooking - open a tin of soup instead
I hate sharks - they shred my skin like razorblades
I hate blood - there's so much of the damned stuff
I hate the Kennedys - you all know why
I hate politicians - they're fuckwits
I hate horse radish - who in the hell thought that up?
I hate neighbours - they keep me awake
I hate pain - you think I'd be used to it by now
I hate staplers - they hurt my fingers
I hate Toblerone - Billy was right
I hate pills - relief is only temporary
I hate promises - they mean nothing
I hate me.
I hate, I hate, I hate.


At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is wrong with Toblerone?


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