Thursday, March 15, 2007

Usherette of the Day

"There’s a whole bunch of different themes on Hallucinations, but I like to let people discover them for themselves," he remarks. "I think people take away different things from different songs... I don’t talk about the specific meanings because, although each line is specific to me and the subject I’m writing about, it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone else can’t interpret it in a different way and that their idea isn’t valid as well."...Usher says he just hopes that the music he makes has an effect of some kind on his listeners. “Some music affects people in a very strong way..."

Believe me, it does. Frida said much the same thing about the song "The Visitors" back in '82.

(taken from Usher Admits To Nothing, by Heather Adler. Source: The Gateway, Nov. 6, 2003)


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