Friday, April 27, 2007

Knowing Me, Knowing You

Several of my readers have requested that I vary the content of my blog so that it's not so overwhelmingly David Usher-centric. Frankly, I don't see the problem, but apparently some people feel that I am a trifle obsessed with the man. So, without further ado, we have some non-David content - 5 things you didn't know about me:
  1. When I was ten, I appeared in The Nutcracker on stage at the King's theatre in Glasgow. As a singing snowflake.
  2. My favourite Womble is Orinoco, described by Wikipedia as an "overweight shirker".
  3. I once went white water river rafting. I screamed like a girl.
  4. My least favourite ABBA song is "I Saw it in the Mirror". Sung by Bjorn.
  5. I have nothing pierced or tattooed, but if I had a tattoo it would say "Moist". Oh wait, that's Usher-related content.
  6. (To make up for 5.) My yearbook said I wanted to live in Europe, become a journalist, and meet Frida. Two out of three ain't bad. (And I'm still holding out hope for the third.)

So that's me. Tell me five things I don't know about you.


At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Singing Snowflake:
Some readers think you too Usher-centric ? How bombastic.

Things you shall now find out about me:

1. in 1980 I worked in the bush 40 miles south of Prince George BC, as a counsellor at a court-ordered wilderness rehabilitation camp for male young offenders (although back then they were called juvenile delinquents).

2. My favorite Dixie Chick is Natalie Maines.

3. I dated a guy I met at an autopsy.

4. I rode up 13 floors in an elevator once with Carol Burnett. Just the 2 of us.

5. I've served communion wine to the Anglican Bishop of the Sudan.

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Number 3 is particularly interesting - one assumes he was not the one lying on the table?

At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I tried changing my name to Sophie when I was 14.

2. I used to be able to name all the Backstreet Boys. (My boss at the time was a big fan; for his birthday we wrapped up his present in Backstreet Boys wrapping paper. Yes, such a thing existed.)

3. I was once send to my headmistress for a stern talking to because I was bouncing on my bed. (I still question *what* she was told since her speech included the words "I have never heard of such bad behaviour.")

4. The first time I ever saw The Sound of Music, I fell asleep right after the wedding. I had no idea that there were Nazis in the movie until about fifteen years later.

5. My mother once dressed as a Womble in a Christmas pantomime. (I don't remember which Womble it was, though.)


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