Friday, September 29, 2006

Supernatural Season Premiere: A Review

In short: brilliant. This is the most riveting series on television, with fast-paced action, emotional family scenes, mysterious forces causing havoc, and, well...hotties. The intense relationship between the brothers is what gives the show its gravitas. My only fear is that this season there will be more of a focus on horror, rather than just plain scary. It is not always necessary to be as graphic, if it's already bone-chillingly frightening (a case in point would be the scene from "Scarecrow" when Dean first comes face to face with the seemingly inanimate scarecrow). If the producers continue the way they are going, and if they can match the standards set in Season One, Supernatural will be around for a long time. I certainly hope so.

Next episode: "Everybody Loves A Clown," Thursday, October 5th.


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