Friday, March 16, 2007

Usherette of the Day

This is the long goodbye
try to keep smiling as these tears break from my eyes
this is the way I used to feel
guess I'll be trading down from something much more real

Caught in a terrible wind with a kick in your teeth
you blew me in anime eyes you've never been quite
sure what you're losing but you know you're losing
so I'll burn these bridges from the other side...

I can see that from your wounds you're open wide
It's coming clear now that I'm leaving
I forgot the lover that I left behind...


At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Też se założe bloga angielskiego xD. Ano spoko spoko :P. ZTylko ten szablon, Sisi ty masz 17 lat, a nie 10 XD. Ano kończę, spoko spoko xD. Notki po angielski lepsze XD. No sayonara :*


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