Wednesday, May 02, 2007

2007: The Prelude

At the risk of tempting fate, this has been the most fantastic year. We're only at the beginning of May, but it's been a wild ride so far:
  1. My niece's 17th birthday - "young and sweet, only seventeen."
  2. Spending time with my 95 year old friend Mary.
  3. New and old friends who make my world come alive with laughter and chocolate.
  4. April 13-14, 2007.
  5. Celtic winning the League.
  6. Mamma Mia! movie casting - Francesca sings ABBA!
  7. Seeing more of my devoted family.
  8. My brother's wedding, at which I will be the DJ...
  9. The release of Strange Birds: my album of emancipation.
  10. Hey Honolulu, I'm going to Happy Hawaii


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