Friday, May 04, 2007

Across the alternate Universe...

Watched the new Supernatural last night: heartbreaking stuff. Beautifully filmed. And it all comes down to this: what would you wish for, if you could have anything in the world?


At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would I wish for if I could have anything in the world ? Well, since I have never watched even one episode of Supernatural, I don't know what most other people wish for. Anything ?

in the category Slightly Frivolous: spend a week with Princess Diana (when she was alive)

in the category Very Serious: have the ability to influence world leaders to eradicate the use of child soldiers in African countries

in the category of Downright Hedonistic: my own environmentally-groovy hand built home cabin in the woods near running water with about ten cats and a steady supply of visiting authors & musicians & rhumba dancers. And an in-house chef and masseur. And a benefactor.


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