Wednesday, June 27, 2007


News bulletin: Unconfirmed reports currently circling the globe indicate that ultra-fab heartthrob David Usher, formerly of the band Moist, is set to join the cast of the CW's Supernatural. An unidentified spokesman for Mr Usher is quoted as saying "it's been a dream of his to perform with Jared & Jensen, and we can promise you the episode, entitled "The Blackest of Hearts," will be the most exciting episode ever filmed for the show. " Mr. Usher is currently unavailable for comment, and is allegedly hiding out somewhere near Vancouver, Canada, with an unidentified male companion. Our sources have obtained several photos from the closed set, one of which is posted here for our loyal readers.


At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"hiding out with an unidentified male companion ?".....D'Usher, I thought you were his wife.

At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, the creator of the blog is MOI, but I occasionally allow Mrs. Usher II to make comments too.
:-) And doesn't a certain priest we all know and love refer to himself in the past tense as a little girl?


Mad About Millay


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