Friday, May 18, 2007

Never let it be said I don't listen to constructive criticism

This is for the Regular Blogger who SHOULD BE sitting on a beach drinking Monkey's Lunches (no idea what's in them but I plan to look into it) and watching surfers but who instead appears to be reading his blog:


At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's more like it, Rani dear. My readers have come to expect the occasional glimpse of one David Usher, so thanks for giving into my demands. Today we have seen rain for the first time, so have spent some time indoors collating all my photographs of YAMS on sandy beaches. I've posed for a couple too, but as I look both gargantuan and effeminate (and naturally invisible to all and sundry), I'm not lining up for more photos. Don't forget to annoy the filing clerk ("horizontal stripes are my favourite") and keep up the excellent work you're doing on the blog. I couldn't have done it better myself! Aloha, for now.


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