Monday, May 14, 2007

Temporary Change of Management

I have been asked to step in as guest blogger during the regular blogger's* absence. He explained to me his blogging style: picture of David Usher accompanied by quote from Edna St. Vincent Millay. I muttered something about easing down on the David Usher content. He fainted.

* He has requested that I not use his name so that he can maintain his anonymity.


At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must commend you on the excellent job you are doing. If I didn't know better, I would have sworn that the "man" himself was at the controls! I must also give my highest kudos to you for taking on this sacrificial role. May I suggest a 12 step deprogramming procedure that has been very successful,in most cases? Unfortunately, in some instances there are side effects(caused by the incessant playing of David Cassidy's "I think I love you"),but depending on the malady, they are preferable.
In any case keep up the good work & you have my unwavering support should you decide to remain anonymous for the rest of your life, after your obligations have been fulfilled.

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now if only the Regular Blogger or the Guest Blogger could figure out who posted these sage comments, life would be complete! Hmm...must give it some thought...when I return from the Tropics. Oh, and did I mention: best holiday ever!


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