Monday, May 14, 2007


The Eurovision Song Contest, tragically one of the seminal events of our youth, took place last week. Serbia won. Ukraine came second, with an act that can be described as the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz meets the Village People. Really.

The British entry, cringe-making in the extreme, featured two men and two women (one blonde, one brunette) dressed up as air stewardesses flight attendants. I think even the Regular Blogger would agree with me that they made Bucks Fizz look like ABBA.

Eurovision launched ABBA's career, so without it, the Regular Blogger might have been a very different person. To commemorate, here is a clip from ABBA's Eurovision performance. Enjoy!


At 2:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not yet seen the alleged horror that was this year's British Eurovision entry (but plan to do so for consistency's sake), but have heard from other ex-pats that it was indeed terrifying, as our guest blogger has more than alluded to. Is it any wonder the regular blogger has chosen to reside in Oahu permanently, given that the marginally talented Bucks Fizz are now being (posthumously, I might add) hailed as comparable to the legendary ABBA? Still, I'm sure the regular blogger more than appreciates the timely reporting of such newsworthy stories. :-)


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