Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I was never more proud to be British than I was on Sunday. What an atmosphere. The Concert for Diana at Wembley was superb, apart from the talentless slappers who appear to have been American Idol rejects. Highlights included the ageless Rod Stewart kicking footballs into the crowd, the Royal Ballet performing Swan Lake, Bryan Ferry, Elton John and Status Quo. But against all odds, far and away the best moment for me was...wait for it...you won't believe it...I certainly don't...P DIDDY! Yes, he was sensational, and brought the house down with his emotionally-charged anthem for Diana. I was surprised by the tears rolling down my face during his performance - how on Earth could I have been moved by rap music? It was beautiful. There was a lot of love for her in the stadium(which was nice to see after all the negative stuff her detractors love to rant about), and it was wonderful to see so many united in remembering her. It was even more emotional than the Freddie tribute concert, and therefore it was fitting to have Queen's "These Are The Days of Our Lives" close the show, accompanied by videos of the princess as a child. And a small confession: Becks was sincere and graceful in his homage to Diana. It was touching. So I don't hate him anymore. (By the way, one of my Top 3 songs was performed on Sunday, as I knew it would be, but you'll have to stay tuned to find out which one....)


At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait... you admitted to being British?

Also Rod Stewart: "ageless" or fairly good plastic surgery? I opt for option b).

At 2:04 PM, Blogger MadAboutMillay said...

Dear Madame,

If it's surgical, he's got the best in the business. It also helps that he has a full head of hair and is svelte. That way, people won't mistake him for being an unattractive middle-aged man. :-)

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That way, people won't mistake him for being an unattractive middle-aged man.

That's because he's an unattractive old man. Rich though, which must help him in the pursuit of leggy blonde models. Since you ahve never expressed any interest in leggy blonde models, I wouldn't worry about it.

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought I'd just wade in here, as my husband is too busy recovering from his secret concert in Burnaby (which he didn't tell me about). I'd give anything to be Rod! He's got a marvellous life, has legions of fans, gets to wear tartan whenever he feels like it, and those he is interested in...are interested in him. How marvellous for him.

At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tartan. yes, I seem to remember seeing MadAboutMillay looking rather fine in tartan pj's the night of the Dixie Chicks concert. But really all I wanted to say was that I'm a huge fan.

Of Diana.




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