Thursday, May 31, 2007

Poetic Vision of the Week

Got excited when I thought that we would last
Twisted inside out 'til we were drowning
From the first attack we could never go back so we just keep on coming
But I was never enough for you
Was there ever enough for you

Where you gone
I can't feel you anymore
My eyes are taken still too high
Came down naked on you
Where you gone
I can't feel you anymore...


At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It can be difficult living the Life of Bees. Lower.

Will you still be conscious when you return to Vancouver? Or will you need an OA Boot Camp at the Templeton Pool?

Some people say. Do you?
xo Nasherson

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've tried for years to have hair like the eternally gorgeous Jaclyn, but all to no avail. I just look like Elton John...before the weave. Oh well. It will be pure hell returning to Vancouver after being SO FAR DOWN, but at least I have the upcoming nuptials to look forward to. And that, my friends, is SCIENCE.

XO Mrs Usher II.


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