Wednesday, May 23, 2007

On a more cultural note

So you are probably thinking to yourself, well, that's all very nice that the Regular Blogger is having the happiest time of his life, enjoying Hawaii's lush flora and fauna, watching friends get engaged, drinking mai tais, etc. etc. but more importantly WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THE ABBA MUSEUM? (Or then again, you may not be thinking this.)

Fortunately for you, ABBA the Museum has its own website on which it has just been announced that the Museum will be opening in a "hundred-year-old custom warehouse, on the south quay of central Stockholm".

Spring 2009 is the projected opening date; start saving your money because the museum will boast the world's biggest ABBA shop.


At 6:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On another more cultural note - as promised, I have checked the DU site to see if Kelowna April concert has been rescheduled.

Looks like we'll have to fly to Markham ON this summer if we are going to soak in the radiance that is your husband live.

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A special note to Safe Tea: never fear, my husband will play Kelowna soon. I shall speak firmly to him about that...
Regards, Mrs Usher II.

At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A warm MAHALO to The Rani for bringing the ABBA Museum update to our attention. The Regular Blogger had read about it (from other sources), but had not found the time to blog it. You see, the Regular Blogger cannot really exist without his Rani! Mahalo, and aloha for now. More yams to cogitate over...


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