Monday, May 21, 2007

"That was one of my happiest moments, I must say..."

To paraphrase the eternally beautiful FRIDA, I have to say that today's expedition to Waikiki was very probably one of the happiest days of my life. The day started with an all-you-can-eat buffet (at some hotel, the name of which escapes me for the present) with my new friends Vanessa & Mark, followed by a stroll to Queen's Surf, a heavenly lunch at Lulu's with my pals Karen and Melissa who'd flown in from Vancouver, and an out-of-this-world afternoon spent swimming and frolicking about at Waikiki Beach. Never in my life have I seen so many YAMS lying around looking so fresh and delicious on a sun-drenched beach, but who was I to complain about ethnic vegetables on mass display in a public place? It was joyous beyond expectation. The day was topped off by a "beauteous evening calm and free" (though Wordsworth barely entered into the equation; nor would he have approved, me thinks) downing several mai tais at my favourite spot on Earth: the Royal Hawaiian. I think that I shall never live to see a more perfect day if I live to be a hundred. Please, whoever's in charge of my ashes - scatter them at the old entrance to the Royal Hawaiian, where I will float eternally upon the ethereal wings of ecstasy. And, a note to our efficacious guest blogger: would you be so kind as to upload a gorgeous photo of my hotel paradise (from my existing files) to accompany this post? I'd do it myself, but I'm blissed out and have no plans to return to reality...


At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeeeeeeez - if I'd know you'd be blogging while you were away surfing...........I went on your blog today because I was missing you so much (trips to Costco and reminiscing about my former life processing Carswell invoices just doesn't compare to emails & phone calls with you) and thought I would only be able to console myself with stale DU entries from weeks ago. Imagine my elation to read that you have been dining out on huge amounts of Hawaiian fun & frolic.
Go Mrs. U. Go.
I, on the other hand, almost became a Hare Krishna last weekend. Check my blog for the wicked-wacky details. LOVE YOU. Have some extra fun for me, ok ?


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