Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Blogger Interrupted

So some of you may be thinking to yourselves: "but wait, the Regular Blogger has been back in the country for three days now and yet there have been no postings rhapsodizing on the philosophy and pulchritude of David Usher during that time. What gives?"

Well, gentle readers, I have sad news for you. The Regular Blogger, although he did make it safely back to Canada (despite his Cassandra-like prophecies of fiery airline crashes and synchronized shark attacks), has been felled by a malignant case of the something nasty (but not, we are assured, TB). At this moment in time he should be tucked up in his bed (sans yams) where we trust he is resting and recovering.

We have high hopes that the blog will contain all the David Usher news that's fit to print tomorrow.


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