Monday, July 09, 2007

Like An Angel Passing Through My Room...

“CURSE thee, Life, I will live with thee no more!
Thou hast mocked me, starved me, beat my body sore!
And all for a pledge that was not pledged by me,
I have kissed thy crust and eaten sparingly
That I might eat again, and met thy sneers
With deprecations, and thy blows with tears,—
Aye, from thy glutted lash, glad, crawled away,
As if spent passion were a holiday!
And now I go. Nor threat, nor easy vow
Of tardy kindness can avail thee now
With me, whence fear and faith alike are flown;
Lonely I came, and I depart alone,
And know not where nor unto whom I go;
But that thou canst not follow me I know...”

-from "The Suicide," by Edna St. Vincent Millay


At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are such a drama queen!

At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

simply GORGEOUS photo.

(Is that you after missing the Future Shoppe Corporate Pirate gig?)

At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, Hilda. It's a gorgeous photo. I've never looked better! Mrs U2.


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