Friday, June 08, 2007


For the next fortnight or so, there will be a new series on the blog: the Top 10 songs of my life...OUTSIDE of ABBA. Now, everyone has a large database of songs which inspire, motivate, thrill, delight, whatever, so I've decided to finally make public the TEN songs which mean the most to me. Some have stayed with me for nearly 4 decades; others are newer songs which nevertheless appear to have been written for me. There are some surprises (for me, anyway), as these songs are not necessarily sung by the usual suspects. There are no entries in the Top 10 list from some of my favourite artists: Fleetwood Mac, Judy Garland, ELO or Moist. I have also chosen to compile this list in the absence of ABBA as a group, as that is something completely different. Their songs have their own special place in my heart and nothing can compare to or challenge them. (Anyone interested in seeing my all-time ABBA Top 10, please ask.) But I thought it might interest some of you to read about other crucial songs which have, in one way or another, become a part of who I am. These exceptional songs will forever lift my spirits, give me strength, and make me shine. I cannot live without them. Stay tuned!


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what are your all-time Top 10 ABBA songs?

At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very sorry for giving your the impression I did not appreciate your nuts. Truly, they are a marvel. From the moment I placed the first one in my mouth, savouring its salty goodness, licking each delicious millimetre, I was in ecstacy. Thank you a thousand times for sharing this little piece of heaven with me.

At 1:29 PM, Blogger MadAboutMillay said...

And I thought I was the Queen of innuendo...

At 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.


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