Thursday, May 31, 2007

Poetic Vision of the Week

Got excited when I thought that we would last
Twisted inside out 'til we were drowning
From the first attack we could never go back so we just keep on coming
But I was never enough for you
Was there ever enough for you

Where you gone
I can't feel you anymore
My eyes are taken still too high
Came down naked on you
Where you gone
I can't feel you anymore...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Blah Blah Blah David Usher

A postcard arrived from the Regular Blogger today. He might be having a good time in Hawaii, and then again, he might not. It was hard to determine from the postcard since all that was written on it were the words "David Usher". Frankly, I was hoping for a terse description (the postcard being fairly restrictive of word count) of sordid (yet uplifting) encounters with YAMS* but I suppose that will have to wait until he is back in Vancouver and can be sure TMRS** is within hearing distance.

* Not the agricultural product.

** Don't ask. It's too frightening.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

"Alone in the Universe tonight..."

What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why,
I have forgotten, and what arms have lain
Under my head till morning; but the rain
Is full of ghosts tonight, that tap and sigh
Upon the glass and listen for reply;
And in my heart there stirs a quiet pain
For unremembered lads that not again
Will turn to me at midnight with a cry.
Thus in the winter stands the lonely tree,
Nor knows what birds have vanished one by one,
Yet know its boughs more silent than before:
I cannot say what loves have come and gone;
I only know that summer sang in me
A little while, that in me sings no more.

-Edna St. Vincent Millay

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Today, all three Angels (for the first time) returned to Waimanalo Beach to search for Charlie, but after thirty years, the trail is a little cold. We did find some clues though, and fabulous photographs were taken during the Angel reunion. Granted, two of the Angels looked quite different since the halcyon days of bikinis and beach denim, but the photos will be posted eventually so everyone can see how exciting it was for Sabrina, Kelly & Kris to come together again. The part vacated by Cheryl Ladd was played by Alisdair (who was the only one with enough hair to convincingly step into the role), Kelly was played by Heather with some excellent karate chops, and well, I was, of course, Sabrina, wearing not only a hat, sunglasses and a t-shirt, but also a full length towel in typical Sabrina style, covering as much of the body as possible!

And tomorrow? Well, two of the Angels will be spending the afternoon at the Royal Hawaiian's Mai Tai Bar - keeping an eye on the fat guy in the Hawaiian shirt who's supposed to be tailing us. Thank heavens the Pinto arrived in time! Aloha.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

On a more cultural note

So you are probably thinking to yourself, well, that's all very nice that the Regular Blogger is having the happiest time of his life, enjoying Hawaii's lush flora and fauna, watching friends get engaged, drinking mai tais, etc. etc. but more importantly WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THE ABBA MUSEUM? (Or then again, you may not be thinking this.)

Fortunately for you, ABBA the Museum has its own website on which it has just been announced that the Museum will be opening in a "hundred-year-old custom warehouse, on the south quay of central Stockholm".

Spring 2009 is the projected opening date; start saving your money because the museum will boast the world's biggest ABBA shop.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Love is clearly in the air in Halei'wa. Our friend Mark proposed to his girlfriend of four years, Vanessa, yesterday on the beach near the sea turtles. He gallantly (thus reducing me to tears) dropped to his knees and pretended to look for shells, and then presented her with his favourite shell, telling her to look inside. There was a diamong ring. It was an entirely beautiful moment, and we celebrated last evening with a sumptuous meal and much alcohol. Sweet Vanessa spent much of the evening crying and on the phone. I was so happy to be a part of this love. It's a wonderfully romantic place, Halei'wa, and these two lovebirds make the sweetest couple in the world. Aloha.

Monday, May 21, 2007

"That was one of my happiest moments, I must say..."

To paraphrase the eternally beautiful FRIDA, I have to say that today's expedition to Waikiki was very probably one of the happiest days of my life. The day started with an all-you-can-eat buffet (at some hotel, the name of which escapes me for the present) with my new friends Vanessa & Mark, followed by a stroll to Queen's Surf, a heavenly lunch at Lulu's with my pals Karen and Melissa who'd flown in from Vancouver, and an out-of-this-world afternoon spent swimming and frolicking about at Waikiki Beach. Never in my life have I seen so many YAMS lying around looking so fresh and delicious on a sun-drenched beach, but who was I to complain about ethnic vegetables on mass display in a public place? It was joyous beyond expectation. The day was topped off by a "beauteous evening calm and free" (though Wordsworth barely entered into the equation; nor would he have approved, me thinks) downing several mai tais at my favourite spot on Earth: the Royal Hawaiian. I think that I shall never live to see a more perfect day if I live to be a hundred. Please, whoever's in charge of my ashes - scatter them at the old entrance to the Royal Hawaiian, where I will float eternally upon the ethereal wings of ecstasy. And, a note to our efficacious guest blogger: would you be so kind as to upload a gorgeous photo of my hotel paradise (from my existing files) to accompany this post? I'd do it myself, but I'm blissed out and have no plans to return to reality...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Paradise Reclaimed and Then Some

2007 continues to be joyous, with a triumphant return to Paradise. Even though the Winchester Boys are not shown down here (and yes, I've filed a complaint with the local broadcasters here) and I have yet to see the emotional season finale in which our Sammy is brought back from the dead, the anticipated vacation has not disappointed in any way. Tonight, we are celebrating a new friend's 24th birthday, and drinking ourselves silly while tiny geckos dance around our toes. This morning's swim and customary handstand competition in the ocean were particularly enjoyable, due to the fact there was only one Scottish competitor to cheer for. Tomorrow, I'm spending the day in Waikiki with my friend Karen who's here for a marathon. Naturally, I shall be taking her to the Mai Tai Bar at the Royal Hawaiian, after we roam around on scooters looking for Angelic clues. Other than that, I'm considering getting a job as a lifeguard on Sunset Beach - the YAMS there are simply to die for. Who knew I had such a vested interest in Asian cuisine anyway? None of this Nirvana would have been possible without the lovely Al and Sus, who facilitated my return to Paradise, so a very special thank you to both of them. Gotta fly - the turqouise water and its delicious assortment of Asian delicacies are far too tempting to ignore. Aloha!
ps. We still haven't found Charlie, but Bri has donned her first bikini. It was pitch black at the time, but she assures us she had one on.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Never let it be said I don't listen to constructive criticism

This is for the Regular Blogger who SHOULD BE sitting on a beach drinking Monkey's Lunches (no idea what's in them but I plan to look into it) and watching surfers but who instead appears to be reading his blog:

The boys are back in town (next season)!

And there was great rejoicing in Hawaii, for lo the CW released its Fall 2007 Schedule and Supernatural will be returning.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Public Service Announcement

(On behalf of the regular blogger)

The season finale of Supernatural is tonight. All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2 is described as:
Dean (Jensen Ackles) must deal with the aftermath of the fight between Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Jake (guest star Aldis Hodge) and pays a steep price for his involvement. The Demon and his spirits threaten to overtake the hunters until they receive help from an unexpected ally.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Enough rum and Vancouver might start looking like Hawaii

Assuming all has gone to plan (and that there have been no nasty shark-related incidents), the Regular Blogger should be in Hawaii by now, probably lying on the beach in full wetsuit topped with a sarong. (The Regular Blogger, as he likes to remind us, is modest.)

Given that it is currently 26 and sunny in Honolulu, mai tais would seem to be in order. I realise most of us are not actually IN Hawaii, but we can pretend...

3 ounces light rum
1 1/2 ounces dark rum
1 ounce Grand Marnier
1 ounce amaretto
2 ounces pineapple juice
1 ounce fresh lemon juice
pineapple spears and lemon slices to garnish

In a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine rums, Grand Marnier, amaretto, pineapple juice and the lemon juice. Shake the drink for 30 seconds, and strain it into 2 long-stemmed glasses filled with ice cubes. Garnish the drinks with pineapple spears and lemon slices.

Monday, May 14, 2007


The Eurovision Song Contest, tragically one of the seminal events of our youth, took place last week. Serbia won. Ukraine came second, with an act that can be described as the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz meets the Village People. Really.

The British entry, cringe-making in the extreme, featured two men and two women (one blonde, one brunette) dressed up as air stewardesses flight attendants. I think even the Regular Blogger would agree with me that they made Bucks Fizz look like ABBA.

Eurovision launched ABBA's career, so without it, the Regular Blogger might have been a very different person. To commemorate, here is a clip from ABBA's Eurovision performance. Enjoy!

Temporary Change of Management

I have been asked to step in as guest blogger during the regular blogger's* absence. He explained to me his blogging style: picture of David Usher accompanied by quote from Edna St. Vincent Millay. I muttered something about easing down on the David Usher content. He fainted.

* He has requested that I not use his name so that he can maintain his anonymity.


Unfortunately, Charlie's been kidnapped by Lelani Sako again, so the Angels will be out of commission as of May 14th trying to secure his safe return. This means checking into the Royal Hawaiian, looking for clues at the Mai Tai Bar, busting Lelani's husband out of jail (again) and driving 2.8m to Waimanalo to see if there are any red head-scarves floating about. It'll be even harder than last time though: at least back then Bri (who still refuses to wear a bikini) was lucky enough to get some leads from Don Ho. Poor chap's dead now, and we suspect Mr Blue was behind that as well. And of course good old dependable Bosley's no longer with us. So, if we succeed in freeing Charlie, we will report back to the office on June 4th. Probably sunburnt and unable to sit down, depending on the location of the beach. But one of the Angels may get a chance to post here and there, so stay tuned. Aloha!

Kelly Garrett,
Townsend Detective Agency

Friday, May 11, 2007

Poetic Vision of the Week

I'd walk the water to get back to you and where I was complete
we found you scattered by the highway side too soon to be released gathered the pieces up and clean the places where you were undone and washed the wreckage out unfinished all the thoughts that we'd begun I came to burn the sky and tear away the beauty that it sows If I could rape the day and find the things I thought I'd always known
Leave it alone again tonight...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

"For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds..."

Not over-kind nor over-quick in study
Nor skilled in sports nor beautiful was he,
Who had come into her life when anybody
Would have been welcome, so in need was she.
They had become acquainted in this way:
He flashed a mirror in her eyes at school;
By which he was distinguished; from that day
They went about together, as a rule.
She told, in secret and with whispering,
How he had flashed a mirror in her eyes;
And as she told, it struck her with surprise
That this was not so wonderful a thing.
But what's the odds? — It's pretty nice to know
You've got a friend to keep you company everywhere you go.
(Millay w/Shakespeare heading)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Despite having approximately 300,000 websites devoted to the show (not to mention fan fiction, merchandise and comics currently available) Supernatural is up against the two biggest series on television. This means it may not return for Season 3. Now, quite apart from the ramifications this will have on prime time viewing, do any of you really want to exist in an angst-ridden world in which I *cannot* watch my show? Think of it, my friends: it's not pretty. It would only leave me more time to hunt you down and rabbit on about the Winchesters. So, tell everyone you know to tune in. Supernatural airs Thursdays on CW and Channel 13 in Vancouver. Part 1 of the Season Finale airs May 10th. Bring back our favourite ghostbusters for another season of demons, poltergeists and, well, let's be perspicacious, hot as hell dudes!

Monday, May 07, 2007


120 down the freeway about a thousand miles to go
Cross the border to Resida... California here I come
Groves are passin' by the way and I know it's waiting
She picks me up like I've never been down before
And it's hard to think you got the best of me yet
I can't believe while these dogs are at the door honey
You came to take apart what's left of me...

Alone in The Universe Tonight

Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes
That call me on and on across the universe
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box they
tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe...

Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing through my open ears
exciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe...
(Lennon & McCartney)

Friday, May 04, 2007

Across the alternate Universe...

Watched the new Supernatural last night: heartbreaking stuff. Beautifully filmed. And it all comes down to this: what would you wish for, if you could have anything in the world?

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Poetic Vision of the Week

On my tongue the galaxy's so small
Here I'll drink it down and watch the world dissolve
Now I'm pouring through the Universe
and slipping through the endless stream of time
What would you find
And I'm flying, floating on the wind again
Hoping it will drag me in
Can't you see I'm laughing
Laughing at the consequence
Laughing at this circumstance...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

2007: The Prelude

At the risk of tempting fate, this has been the most fantastic year. We're only at the beginning of May, but it's been a wild ride so far:
  1. My niece's 17th birthday - "young and sweet, only seventeen."
  2. Spending time with my 95 year old friend Mary.
  3. New and old friends who make my world come alive with laughter and chocolate.
  4. April 13-14, 2007.
  5. Celtic winning the League.
  6. Mamma Mia! movie casting - Francesca sings ABBA!
  7. Seeing more of my devoted family.
  8. My brother's wedding, at which I will be the DJ...
  9. The release of Strange Birds: my album of emancipation.
  10. Hey Honolulu, I'm going to Happy Hawaii

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Tried to give more than you thought I'd take now
Taking more than you could ever say
Push come to shove, you kicked me in the head
You knock me down, I ripped the handle off again...

Is this what you want, what you need

Is this what you wanted me to be
Always loved me strapped to you
Lock it down and drive me through
Push just a little too late
I wanted more than this, I expected more than this...